Scalp Micro-Pigmentation


What Is Scalp Micro-pigmnetation?

Scalp micro-pigmentation (also called SMP) is a type of hair loss treatment. It involves using tiny tattooing needles to place small amounts of pigment into the scalp. This creates the appearance of closely-shaved hair follicles, which can reduce the visibility of bald spots. The pigments used in SMP treatments may also be used to add color to thinning hair. This is also a great option for those with alopecia and scars from an accident or hair transplantation.

Male Pattern hair loss

Male Pattern baldness is also known as Androgenic Alopecia and is widely considered to be caused by the hair follicle’s sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone. It is believed that DHT shrinks and miniaturizes the hair follicles of men, leading to hair thinning.

Prices of SMP will be based on each clients hair loss level (Norwood chart for men and Ludwig chart for females) and if scaring is present. The pictures below shows different levels of hair loss and the pricing categories:

  • Hairline Norwood/Ludwig level 1-2 denisty : $2,000- $2,400

  • Norwood/Ludwig level 3-4 denisty: $2,700- $3,100

  • Norwood Norwood 5-6 denisty : $3,100- $3,500

  • Norwood level 7: $3,500- $4,000

  • Transplant Scar: $800/session

    * All Appointments made will require a deposit. After- Pay will be available for the rest of the treatment/package if needed.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Around 50% of women will experience some degree of hair thinning or hair loss by age 65. Female hair loss is often caused by genetics, stress, hormonal imbalances triggered by life changes like post partem or menopause.

SMP Longevity

SMP can last 4-6 years after initial sessions and can vary depending on clients skin type and health of the clients immune system with proper care and treatment, including using high sunscreen when outside. Further fading of the pigments can last up to 8 years. Any pigment applied to the top dermal layer of the skin will eventually fade. Because SMP pigments are diluted to a low concentration of carbon pigment (which gives a crisp vibrance of the color), discoloration and migration is minimized.

SMP typically requires 2-4 sessions to complete the full result. Sessions will be spaced a minimum of 10 days apart- 2 weeks.


Permanent Hair Reduction